ARTS in Paris (12 janvier 2019)
Photographe : Dacko Photography
Un moment d'amour entre Marianne et le chanteur Kalune
Place de l'étoile #Paris #GiletsJaunes

This week, Ô Magazine takes you to meet Dacko, an unconditional lover of photography, and the world around him.
Its main asset is to capture the present moments, nothing is calculated in advance. A click, a photo, a moment.
A quick introduction to the artist:
My name is Dacko, I am the father of 2 girls. I work as a cabinet maker and carpenter.
I have always lived in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, a district that I particularly like. Photography has been a passion for me since childhood.
How did you come to photography?
As a child, my grandmother had given me a camera, but since film was very expensive at the time, I simulated taking photos (I took photos without film). But I had the images in mind, I saw and imagined what I took. I had to quit quite quickly because of material costs, and my professional life also slowed me down a bit. With my first salary I bought myself a digital one and I quickly resumed my passion.
How did you train?
No professional training, I learned on the job, all by myself. I didn't want to take a theoretical course and take the same path as everyone else. I train alone, with my "artist's" eye, my desires without external constraints.
What are your influences ? Inspired?
I was inspired by the artistic movement "street photography” and was very interested in the work of photographers like Willis, Cartier and Doisneau, even if their photos are often staged, unlike mine.
What are the themes of your photos? The message you want to convey?
I try to be completely timeless! You may notice, looking at my photos, that they cannot be dated. I try to be careful not to put any time markers in my photos, such as cars, trash cans or other objects that can define a date.
There is no staging in my photographs, I capture the natural movement of people, looks, gestures, landscapes...
I want to tell a story through my photos, that people spend time looking at them to understand them, to look for the little details.
A typical day ?
I leave very early in the morning, I don't know where I'm going. I walk around Paris (between 12 and 20km) in search of moments, places and moments to capture. Sometimes I come home without any photos or just 4, it doesn't matter, the main thing is to have fun. I don't have a set path, I wander according to the atmosphere and the people I meet.
A photo, a story
It was a morning between 9am and 10am, the sun was at his back. I was lucky, because the church in front of her made the background of the photo very dark , which made her back stand out nicely. I wanted to play on his spine which stood out and resembled the shape of the fence in the opposite direction. She was reading, not moving (practical to avoid "blur" on the photos). These are not people posing, so you have to be quick to seize the right moment.
A photo, a story
I think they were shooting a video, there were several dancers and I asked the photographer if I could take a picture. I wanted to have just one dancer passing, because there were always two or three. I waited for this photo, I wanted to play with the shadows, the pyramid which was clearer, it took me a while, but I'm quite happy with the result.
Amateurs, curious or passionate, you can come and discover more photographs on the site www.dackophotography.com
An exhibition is in progress until July 9, at the bistro Le verre à pied, 118 rue Mouffetard in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, ideal for admiring photographs with a coffee (or other) in hand.